Me and my feelings
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Salam to me and to all who read this
Lately, I have made wrong choices, wrong words, and wrong thoughts. But it left me with unbelieveble experiences, I have seen such hate in me, that I will hate myself for that, but I would NOT let hatred engulf in my beautiful RED heart ever again, just be PEACEful as always.
I want to think and walk straight (to his path, Insya-ALLAH), never to astray, but as a inperfect human, there is always mistakes in what I do. But I don't want it to be that way.
And about me towards that person,as time goes by, I have been neutral even though I still have the heart for that person, everytime when I get to see her again, I am swayed by her, and my heart starts to pound fast (Astaghfirullah). But I don't know if she still has feelings towards me? If she does, that is wonderful. But I try to "Istighfar" when everytime the feelings come by, its for me to control myself. Well, either of us shall not speak about this in public or neither to be spoken of to anyone ever again, InsyaALLAH.
I want to make life a worth while living, so that, I will always cherish what I have. Not regreting it instead. Always appreciate what He has gave me and say "Alhamdulillah", even though its a mistake, not to regret, but experience and not hate myself for it.
This is about me and My future Life, InsyaALLAHI want to target what is more important for me, when I get what I need, and when the time comes, I will come back to Love, Insya-Allah.
In everything you do, do things not to be afraid of doing mistakes, and when there is mistakes, improve on it, and not to repeat them.
I hope I have learnt my mistakes, and be confident about it.
InsyaALLAH, Amin.
Wooohhoooo, IRONMAN 2 is gonna be in theaters
Saturday, 24 April 2010

Come check it out this 30th April, I'm gonna watch it maybe on Sunday. Hopefully not alotta people. Ok peepS Take Care...
=( La Tahzan, La Tahzan...
Monday, 19 April 2010
This is continuation from the previous post. Well, I apologise for the words I've said in the previous posts, and post in the facebook and stuff, please you guys, ignore them you must...
Anyway, I've realised something that, you can't take everything you wanted, even though its something truely precious to you. Don't cry over when it got missing or lost.
What I'm trying to say is, try to let go of my misery of losing that person. And destroy the feeling hatred towards it, its worthless and useless. There are more things I should worry about in Life, rather than letting myself be destroyed over such matter.
And its not I want this to happen, but its Allah's decision, so I have to let Him decide what's best for me.
But I still have to move on to this short term LIFE(Fannah), which alot of things I need to learn, and to worry about.
However, you can't escape from these things to happen in your life. Well I know myself, it happened to me twice, and so hurtful. But nevermind, it would matter anymore, its something I have to learn. Just taking care of myself...
I do'a for myself, not to hate someone or better, anyone. And release my anger.
Anyway, I'm going to say this once and for all, "I am truly sorry for my selfish acts that might hurt your feelings!!!". (This is the person whom I shell not tell, if you guys know it, just shut the crap out of it, this is my WARNING.)
Ok Apeace? Be Peaceful, as always! Not Hate. Not to Dissapoint. No Misery.
Stay clear-minded.
Learn from your mistakes, and not to repeat them.
Thank you.
Empty mind, empty heart. But always for him, InsyaALLAH.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Alhamdulillah, just updated to better blogskin, at least better than the previous blogskin. Quite out of place and very-very messy. This time, redesigned my blog all by myself, no thanks for my friends I asked for help.
My feelings went dissapointing, and it hurts, not to mention I'm not ready. But I have to stay strong, as a Muslim and as a guy.
Life for me is still far away, lots of things I need learn and to experience in. Love can wait for little while. Now I'm thinking better things. Finally...
But, hope I will find a perfect for me soon, InsyaALLAH, Amiin...
Hey, La Tahzan ya Hafiz. Insya'Allah, there will be...