Wohhooo, my first step to Marina Barrage at last. Well, it does look just a big space, but its kinda good place to shoot photos of sceneries. Hmmm, well but I didn't took good photos there, maybe because of the weather I think.
Check out the photos:
Its been long since I updated this blog, well been a lot of event been pass through.
But I didn't even wanna post it here, been so lazy to type and so don't have time for it. But I'm sorry for that.
Well, for a start. Just last Friday, me and my family had picnic with our relatives. Well, not as much fun as before, because not all came to the picnic. Usually, there always all of my mum's siblings and their families came. Thats what makes the picnic became an enjoyable one. Anyways, we carry all the usual stuff, and start to pitching the tent and such, we came the latest. They already came earlier, we had some BBQed food, some were delicious. After that, we had nothing much accept, we took some nite photos with my cousins, my cousin did bring along his camera, I did too bring along my trust worthy Camera. I took some of my cute nephew's pictures

He's so cute, and so adorable. As you can see in the photo, he was trying to eat that banana, but it takes him time to do that. Thats why I took it. HAHAHA...
After that, we all go to sleep.
And in the Morning, I get myself ready to jog, I did bring along my jogging shoes and shirt and shorts, it was my first time jog in ECP, it was fun though was tiring too. After I came back, I did manage to take photos(Hahah, sempat...), well nothing much actually, just randomly took for fun.

After all that, we all packed up and go back home sweet home.:)