At last, I got my first outting. Now is my chance to go out and take a lot of photos.
I've brought along with my Lover (Dslr-EOS 450D) with a Tripod. It was cool shooting at the Singapore River, my friends went along with me, we took some good photos. Hahaha!
Take a look on those photos Ok?

Selamat Hari Raya to all MuslimsIt is a day where all Muslims celebrate from their 1 month of
puasa (fasting). And it is also a day of forgiveness, where the young ones seek for forgiveness from their elders.
And may Allah forgive us from our wrong doings, amiin.
It was a great morning of Syawal, and all of my family members were preparing to go to Mosque where we Solah Eidilfitr, we had some breakfast. After that we were set off to go. I was excited to bring along new dslr camera so as to shoot pictures.
After the prayers was done, we go back home, and change to our raya clothes and getting ready to go to our relative's houses, before that, we seek forgiveness from our parents. We had tears running down on our cheeks, It was the saddest moment on that day. Then we set off to our grandparent's house. When we came in, there was a lot of people in the house which most are my relative, and some of them were friends of my grandparent's. It was a lovely time where we all celebrate together, we had some cakes, kueh and such, it was delicious. After all that, we seek forgiveness from our graparents and our relative who were there.
Then we move off to my uncle's place, our uncle and aunt welcomed us to go in, as we settled down, my younger brother ate some of those tasty kuehs that my aunt made. I too had some of them, it was truely delicious, and I took some photos of it. Then my relatives of my mum's side came to visit, it was cool to see them wearing cool raye clothes designs. Some of them have glithers on the side, and some of them got cool patterns. As we chatter along, lunch was served, and we ate some of the
ketupats along with the tasty
rendangs and
sambal goreng.
Well, after we ate, we took some pictures and a group photo, then we seek forgiveness to them and we set off to our other relatives place.
I felt that it was sad to leave ramadhan behind, and felt that ramadhan is more barakah than the last, even though, I faced a lot of challeges. Hope to see the next ramadhan, Insya-Allah.
With all that, I wish you guys again
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin